Tribal Tantra
Meeting the Sensual, Sexual and Sacred Energy
Facilitators: Kathleen Wijnen & Alain Art
This journey includes 6 weekends that are gradually being built and spread over 8 months.
It is an invitation to explore your intimacy: it includes not only your sexuality but also your feelings and emotions, your beliefs and your thoughts.
The starting point is your body: movement, breathing and spontaneously expressed sounds are your main keys in these explorations.
Your inner compass, the one that helps you create your intimate, unique and authentic path, is guided by bodily sensations: what am I feeling, what is my body saying? Your thoughts can deceive you, but your body never.
The whole process of evolution during this journey is based on listening to your body!
You move towards more satisfaction, self-knowledge, balance and intimate maturity.
For who​
It is open to singles and couples.
Previous Tantra experience is not necessary if you participate from the first weekend. If you have any questions or you wish to participate later, we will gladly receive you for a free preliminary interview.
Everyone can express themselves in their mother language and we are planning a translation (Nl-F).

What you can expect from this journey
A more effective sexual assertiveness, which is based on better knowing how your body works, recognizing and expressing your desires, recognizing and expressing your limits, and being able to hear those of the others.
A greater opening of the heart: by observing the judgments, the aprioris, the convictions and the defensive behaviours during the proposed explorations. You have the possibility to welcome them into yourself and to develop new more open attitudes. You may increase your empathy, the term ‘compassion’ reveals its meaning and in the end you feel a flow of more spontaneous love in you.
A healing of the intimate feminine and masculine: all, without exception, we carry sexual and emotional wounds. Whatever their nature is, their healing requires them to come out of their background where we deploy tiring efforts to hide and suppress them. To be able to see and hear them requires the time and progressiveness so characteristic of this journey.
To vitalize your female and male potential: in a society where profitability, materialism and individualism are apparently the key to functioning but rarely the key to happiness, being a man or a woman is a puzzle, often with the consequence of castration. Being fully alive in your feminine or masculine polarity, in your own way, will be more and more your reality during this journey.
Receiving support as much as possible: learning to ask and receive respectful and non-maternal support nourishes a real sexual and emotional maturity
How do we explore?
Rituals will be explained in advance. We give you "instructions" and the "why", the intentions, are explained.
We attach great importance to progressivity and slowness. These rituals allow you and the whole group to explore very in-depth step by step, while respecting your bounderies. In the general framework of our workshop (see 'Ethics'), we will thus approach all possible spaces of privacy.
Some rituals are done alone, others in pairs and sometimes with the whole group.
After the practical exploration, you can share your experience within the group. It brings you clarity, mental and emotional integration, and connection with one another.
In rituals which are explored in pairs, pairs are reformed each time (i.e. as a single person in this series you will have the opportunity to explore with each participant) . Couples can choose each time together: you practice either with your partner or with someone from the singles group.

The weekends:
1/ Erotic innocence
Themes of this weekend: erotic innocence and discovery of the body through the game
2/ Tantrika
Woman Initiator, Tantric Lover
Themes of this weekend: desire and polarity man / woman
3/ Alchemy of Water and Fire
Theme of this weekend: Tantric massage and the concept «exceeding limits"
4/ Men's wet way
see below
5/ Women's wet way
see below
6/ The inner way
Themes of this weekend: Self Love and Kamatura Ritual!
The Wet Way are two associated weekends: during the first weekend, the man will be in his receptivity and the woman in her position of donor. This position lasts from Friday to Sunday. During the second weekend, the roles are reversed.
The title Wet Way refers to water, fluidity: an invitation to flow ... both for men and women. An invitation to leave the dry path of duty, of non-sexuality, of castration.
A whole weekend! It’s a long time, so there is a lot to discover: daring to receive without giving back, daring to ask, daring to let go. And conversely how to give without taking, how to give without emptying?
It's a rare challenge, a unique chance to seize!

Terra Luminosa, Moerhuizestraat 78, 9990 Maldegem, Belgium
Every weekend starts on Friday from 07:00 P.M. and ends on Sunday at 05:00 P.M..
A free preliminary interview is recommended.
Registration by email at:
Following this email, you will receive a registration form and an individual confidential information sheet to send back by post. Your registration will be final after receipt of these documents and your deposit (100 € per weekend). The deposit is not recoverable in case of cancellation by the participant.
We expect you to be present from Friday evening to Sunday late afternoon.
Before registering, we ask you to read the ethical code and the general conditions.
When you register, you will be asked to indicate your agreement with them.