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Tantric massage workshop


25/03 and/or 23/04 and/or 28/05

from 10 a.m. tot 5 p.m.

Terra Luminosa - Maldegem


Facilitator: Alain Art




Tantric massage is a ritual that we can call sacred.

Even more than any other massage, because it also and possibly includes the most intimate parts, it allows you to come into contact with interior spaces that are both personal (emotions, traumas present in the form of tensions in the body's tissues , access to sexual pleasure) and spiritual (relation to the Invisible, to the impalpable).

We can therefore only approach it as a ritual and therefore we create a space that we call the Sacred Bubble.

It is done in 7 steps. It allows us to connect to our silent inner space, to meet our partner in this space, to eliminate all that could interfere in a harmful way in this ritual, to bring to it what we think is welcome, to awaken our body energetically and to share what is really relevant in this massage (our limits, our desires…).
Installed in our bubble, we are really ready for each other (what happens in others no longer concerns us, we do not watch and we do not listen to what is happening there).

Thus can begin an extraordinary journey!

One is the masseur, the other is the massaged. These roles are clear: this means that when I am massaged, the other is entirely at my service. Not as a nice soldier, but as an empathetic person, ready to help me discover myself intimately. It is, so to speak, 'uni-directional', unlike the exchange of energy that we experience in the art of Making love.

During these days, we will experience 2 massages: everyone will be massaged and will massage.

The intention is that what is experienced and felt take precedence over what is learned technically. You are guided through a base of tantric massage in a simple way and this simplicity above all allows you to be in the feeling, both as a masseur and massaged.
To make it happen in a fluid way, we explore this mirror massage: you practice it at the same time as we show it to you, with clear and short indications. This happens slowly so that the masseur can follow without tension and that the person being massaged can feel deeply.

It takes place on the floor, but can also be done on a massage table.

For who wish to practice this massage


If you are single, sufficient Tantra experience, ideally a background similar to Tribal Tantra is a prerequisite.

Tantric massage requires a great openness of heart and the ability to observe our judgments and apprehensions vis-à-vis the other. When you register alone, you don't know if you will be in a mixed pair or not (M/V; G/V; M/M). Massaging a stranger, seeing the same sex can arouse aversion, preconceived ideas about sexual orientation, fears of exceeding limits. It requires an awareness of the difference between giving and taking, receiving and giving back…feeling comfortable with these themes can only be done through a prior Tantra journey. It is a sine qua non for each participant and constitutes a basis of security for each and everyone.

We do not require this condition for couples (intimate couple or friends) wishing to explore massage only with their partner.

The program

Arrival on site between 9.30 and 10 am.
Explanations, awakening of the body, choice of pairs, set-up, bubble: 10.00 -11.00
Massage 11.00-13.00
Integration 13.00-13.15
Rest meal 13.15-14.30
Bubble 14.30-13.45
Massage 13.45-15.45
Integration 15.45-16.00
Sharing 16.00-17.00



To bring
Lunch is to be brought by yourself.
All massage equipment is available (oil, oil heater, futon, futon protectors).
You bring 2 large bath towels per person (plus possibly towels to remove oil from the body after the massage), a pareo or Sarong, a pillow for the head and cushions to sit comfortably on the floor and everything you want to feel comfortable (possibly massage table).

Saturday 03/25
Sunday 04/23 (FULL)

Sunday 05/28

Rate :
Saturday 03/25: €155 p.p. – Pre-sale (until 03/11): €125 p.p.
Sunday 23/04: 155€ p.p. – Pre-sale (until 09/04): 125€ p.p.

Sunday 28/05 : 155€ p.p. - Pre-sale (until 05/05): 125€ p.p.
Participation in  two days: 200€ p.p.
Registration deadline: 1 week before the course
Minimum number of participants: 6
Maximum number of participants: 14

Registration via the link below and to be confirmed by payment of a deposit of €50 to Terra Luminosa's account BE79 9733 7330 4433 with the mention 'MT28.05' of 'MT23.04' of 'MT 28.05 & 23.04'.


Language: French/Dutch


Participants receive an email confirming the course one week before the start of the course (in the event of an insufficient number of participants, the deposit will be refunded).

Following these days and at the request of the participants, it will be possible to set up a series of 6 technical sessions.



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